Change 3548
Originally Posted : Wed Nov 19 15:29:07 2008
Posted by : Razan
Title : faction PK change
Previously if you PKed *OR DIED* to someone in a PK to someone
of your own faction you lost standing with your god(s).
This didn't make sense to me, and someone who provided a bug.
Therefore I have changed it so that now:
If you are the aggressor and kill someone of your own
faction you lose standing (that was naughty of you). But your
victim does NOT. Similarly, if you are the aggressor but manage
to die to one of your own faction you will lose standing for
"starting it". Basically this means now that if someone else
"started it" you can freely defend yourself without fear of
osing standing - even if you kill them. I've tested this
and it works but bug if you find something incorrect.