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  • help > skills > weaponry
    Skill        :   Weaponry
    Casting Time :   Passive
    Stats Base   :   Constitution, Some Strength and Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do weaponry
    Quite a few classes use this skill to utilize their racial 
    weapons.  The level of the weaponry skill determines the 
    weapon class of the classes natural weaponry.  It is also 
    possible that some form of a special bonus may result due 
    to a high weaponry skill.  Though this skill is passive, sometimes 
    natural weaponry is missing for some reason.  To fix this 
    one can use the active form of this skill, which is the syntax 
    'do weaponry', and the weaponry will instantly appear.
    Special For Dragons:
    There is an additional syntax available if you're a
    dragon or a dracolich:
       do weaponry claws
    This lets you fight (using normal combat) without doing any
    elemental damage. Simply 'do weaponry' to revert to the
    standard physical-and-elemental dragon attacks.