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  • help > skills > trapmaking
    Skill       :   Trapmaking   
    Skill Type  :   Active
    Cost        :   25 sp
    Stats Base  :   Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity
    Classes     :   Hunter, Bandit
    Syntax      :   do trapmaking [ list | <trap type> ]
    Examples    :   do trapmaking  
                :   do trapmaking snare
                :   do trapmaking list
    The trapmaker is able to build a small trap to catch game
    or bigger foe.  Depending on how well the trap is constructed
    determines the life of the trap.  A poorly made trap will fall
    victim to the elements and become useless.
    The following traps can be made:
        pungi   -- long, sharp, poison tipped spikes;
                   immediate damage, plus poison in the
                   victims system
        snare   -- lasso tied to a tree; when sprung, the
                   victim is flipped upside-down and suspended
                   from a tree; by cutting the rope they can
                   be set free
        firepit -- a pit of fire; the pit is originally unlit;
                   a falling object into the pit causes flint
                   to spark and ignite the kindling; the victim
                   must climb out of the pit