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  • help > skills > telekinesis
    Skill       :   Telekinesis
    Class       :   Mindflayer
    Skill Type  :   Utility
    Cost - send :   20 sps + variable for object weight
    Cost - lift :   2 sps + variable for object weight
    Cast time   :   Instant
    Stats Base  :   Intelligence
    Ability     :   Yes
    Syntax      :   do telekinesis <command>
    Examples    :   do telekinesis lift <object>
                :   do telekinesis drop all
                :   do telekinesis send <object> to <player>
    Telekinesis is an ability of Mindflayers to mentally lift objects
    into the air.  This ability can be used to carry objects or to send objects
    to far away people.  The weight of the object and the intelligence of the
    Mindflayer are important factors to successful telekinesis.  The concentration
    of telekinesis makes it easy to lift objects into the air, but to drop them,
    you must drop all concentration on all objects at once.
    Objects held up by a mindflayer upon quitting will disappear into the ether.