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  • help > skills > tactics
    Skill        :   Tactics
    Class        :   Warlord
    Cost         :   20 sps (no modifiers)
    Stats        :   Intelligence
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Syntax       :   do tactics
    Syntax       :   do tactics 'mode'
    Example      :   do tactics offense
    The tactics skill is how the warlord sets up his army to fight. To change
    from the basic 'normal' mode a warlord must have at least a squire and a
    steed. There are a number of parameters you can use with the tactics skill.
    These are as follows;
    do tactics list  (lists available modes)
               check (shows you your current tactics mode)
               offense (sets your army up to try to do more damage)
               defense (sets your army up to try to reduce damage to the warlord)
               normal  (normal mode is every one just fighting normally)
               guard   (this mode has members of your army try to take blows 
                        intended for the warlord, this can get members killed so
                        be careful.)
    Each of the modes have a significant effect on the fighting capacity of
    the warlords army. You should try to work out how to use these modes to
    the benefit of the warlord.
    Note that while using the guard mode, the warlord will get 1 attack as
    they are being shielded from combat.