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  • help > skills > subvert
    Skill        :   Subvert
    Class        :   Spy
    Stats Base   :   Intelligence
    Resisted by  :   Resistance
    Cost         :   20
    Casting Time :   1
    Cooldown     :   2 minutes
    Syntax       :   do subvert <target> [attack | sleeper <target>]
    Subverting a target will undermine their allegiance and they will begin
    to act in a direction set by the Spy.  Subverting a target is extremely
    difficult and it will be helpful if the target has first been interrogated.
    In attack mode the target will begin to move around randomly picking the
    nearest target to attack and create as much mayhem and destruction as possible.
    In sleeper mode the subverted subject will wait until a named target arrives
    before unleashing death and destruction in the name of the Spy.
    Subvert does not work on player targets.