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  • help > skills > style
    Skill Name   : Style
    Sublasses    : Samurai
    Cost         : 0, (15 for elemental strike)
    Use Time     : Instant
    Stat Base    : Varies
    Syntax       : do style <style name>
    Valid Styles : hitsu-do, kaze-do, kukan-do, mizu-do, tsuchi-do
    Example      : do style mizu-do
    The samurai of the realm learn five elemental styles of combat. They are
    able to switch between their styles at a moments notice to always be in 
    the most desirable form.
    While in combat if a Samurai shifts to align their style with their attunement
    they will do a bonus elemental strike against their foe.
    Style Name   : Hitsu-Do
    Stat Base    : Intelligence
    Samurai can channel the primal rage of fire when they adopt the
    technique of hitsu-do. Their attacks will dart out like flickering
    tongues of fire, sharing the same pace of those flames. However, the 
    samurai sacrifices some of the power those attacks could have done.
    Style Name   : Kaze-Do
    Stat Base    : Dexterity
    The kaze-do stance makes the samurai move with the etherealness of the
    wind. While in this stance, the samurai will sometimes give up their
    entire offense in order to dodge the next series of attacks that they
    will face. The use of this style takes some mental energy to dodge attacks.
    Style Name   : Kukan-Do
    Stat Base    : All
    With this technique, the samurai becomes one with the void. They become
    one with the elements and weave an intricate dance between them all.
    In this meditative, state, their consciousness expands to infinity,
    allowing them to recover spiritual energy at a rapid pace. Such expanded 
    senses leaves the samurai's own sense of self diminished, greatly reducing
    their personal awareness and combat prowess. The samurai needs to remain
    stationary to maintain this style.
    While in the Kukan-Do style their meditative mind staves off the slow
    erosion of their center.
    Style Name   : Mizu-Do
    Stat Base    : Strength
    When a samurai adopts the mizu-do style, they summon forth the endless
    power of water. Their attacks flow at opponents with the force of a
    raging river. Such ferocity leaves the samurai in a less defensive
    Style Name   : Tsuchi-Do
    Stat Base    : Constitution
    The obstinance of the ancient mountains fuels the style of tsuchi-do.
    The samurai fortifies themselves against all attacks.  However, mountains
    are not known for their speed and the samurai will find their mobility