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  • help > skills > stealth
    Skills        :   Stealth
    Class         :   Aramitama, Bandit, Gremlin, Ninja, Pixie, Spider,
                      Thief, Vampire, Wisp, Changeling (python form)
    Cost          :   0
    Skills        :   Dex and some Int
    Syntax        :   do stealth
    Stealth is a skill which allows you to do things without being
    detected by others. When in stealth mode you can enter/exit rooms,
    pick up/give/drop stuff and perform certain actions without anyone
    Other people have a chance of noticing you based on the difference
    between your stealth skill and their awareness.  If people notice you,
    they will be informed that you are trying to be sneaky. You will be
    notified when this happens, unless of course they are being stealthy
    By default, you are not in stealth mode, except for Gremlins.