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  • help > skills > squire
    Skill Name   :  Squire
    Subclass     :  Warlord
    Based On     :  Intelligence
    Syntax       :  do squire
    Cost         :  25 sp
    Examples     :  do squire <no mods> <no target>
                    do squire long <describe>
    The squire is a personal servant that the warlord can call to help them with
    fighting and day to day business. The squire works the same as a familiar
    for a mage and can be controlled the same way. A squire is a loyal servant
    and will look after and fight for the warlord as long as they are required.
    A squire is essential for the warlord in using the tactics skill.
    A squire cares for the equipment of the warlord somewhat increasing their
    attack damage and armor.
    Rather than normal combat rounds, a squire watches his Warlord in battle
    and will seize upon strategic opporunities to inflict damage.
    In addition to the list of commands available to all familiars, the squire
    also has the following special commands:
    squiresell  :   The squire will go to the mainland shop and sells its
                    possessions turning over all earned gold to the warlord.
    See also: help spells familiar