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  • help > skills > speech
    Skill        :   Speech
    Class        :   Warlord
    Cost         :   20 sps (no modifiers)
    Stats        :   Intelligence
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Syntax       :   do Speech
    The warlord can inspire his troops obtained by the enlist skill by
    reciting an inspiration speech. Inspired thus so, all the recruits
    will hit more often and with more power. 
    Warlords can recite speeches as often as they like but a terrible speech
    may discourage troops that were still under the effects of a great one.
    In TEAM WARS a warlord's speech will also effect his or her teammates.
    **Speech now regenerates SP For your enlistees, at a penalty for the 
    Warlord being so amazing at speeches**