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  • help > skills > snipe
    Skill        :   Snipe
    Class        :   Hunter      
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity, Some Strength
    Difficulty   :   1
    Syntax       :   do snipe (<direction> | autoaim) at <target>    
    Examples     :   do snipe east at comanche
                     do snipe autoaim at miles
            Hunters are deadeyes when it comes to hunting with bow and
    arrow.  Using this skill, a Hunter attempts to devastate a nearby
    target.  Only prey in an adjacent room may be targeted.  Hence, foes
    located in the same room, or more than one room away, are not valid.
    If a target moves further than one room away while the Hunter is
    taking aim, the skill will fail.  However, if a prey is targeted
    and then moves into the same room as the Hunter, the snipe will
    still be attempted.
            If the "autoaim" option is chosen, the Hunter will attempt
    to quickly locate the supplied target in the surrounding rooms.
    If this mode of aiming is employed against a stealthed target, the
    Hunter must succeed in spotting that prey to be able to take aim.
            Sniped targets will someetimes locate the sniper and move
    to enter their room and attack them.
            Targets who have been exposed by being hit by the penetrate
    skill will suffer more damage from snipe.
            A hunter using the snipe skill who also has the penetrate skill 
    will often penetrate his foes using snipe without having to actively 
    use the penetrate skill.
            The Hunter must wield a bow to be able to use this skill.
            Hunters using this skill against classes that they are
    experts at hunting will do so with significantly more success.
    See also: help expertise, help skill penetrate, help skill snipe