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  • help > skills > smite
    Skill        :   Smite
    Skill type   :   Active
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Strength, some Dexterity
    Cost         :   20 Spell Points
    Time         :   1 round
    Syntax       :   do smite <target>
    Example      :   do smite blah
    This skill will have you strike a single powerful blow to your target.
    Because of the power and nature of the blow, heavy blunt weapons work
    the best, though any weapon can be used. If the hit is hard enough, 
    you will knock the wind out of your target, making them unable to
    fight as well while they try and get it back. In such a case, the
    target will also be unable to move.
    Smite is best used with a weapon that does crushing or cleaving damage
    and that weighs more than six.