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  • help > skills > sleight
    Skill        :  Sleight
    Skill type   :  Active
    Cost         :  None
    Stat base    :  Mostly Dexterity and Intelligence
    Syntax       :  do sleight steal <item> from <target>
                    do sleight money from <target>
                    do sleight give <item> to <target>
                    do sleight get <item>
                    do sleight put <item> <where>
                    do sleight steal anything from maniac
                    do sleight drop [all] <item>
    The sleight skill represents your mastery of the art of sleight-of-hand
    and legerdemain. It allows you to avoid being noticed when you:
      - lift an item from someone (steal)
      - pickpocket a single coin from someone (money)
      - plant an item on him (give)
      - palm a loose item (get)
      - slip an item into a handy container (put)
      - drop an item to the floor (drop)
    You may also attempt to steal 'anything' from a player.  This will
    pick items in their inventory at random.