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  • help > skills > shelling
    Skill        :   Shelling
    Class        :   Gunslinger
    Base Cost    :   20 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
    Syntax       :   do shelling <player name | all>
    Examples     :   do shelling belly
                     do shelling all
    Sometimes the quick aproach isn't always the best. For that, Gunslingers 
    have the shelling skill. This allows them extra time to take aim and
    place a more calculated and accurate shot at their opponent(s).
    If your munition pouch has elemental cartridges, this will automatically
    utilize those cartridges with each round fired.
    Masters of the shotgun will be able to unleash this skill on all targets
    in the room, albeit with less damage than other masteries.
    Masters of the rifle deal bonus damage with their extra aim time.