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  • help > skills > shapeshift
    Skill       :   Shapeshift
    Skill Type  :   Active
    Stats Base  :   Mostly Dex, some Strength and Constitution
    Cost        :   15 sp
    Level       :   2
    Classes     :   Vampire
    Syntax      :   do shapeshift <form>
                    do shapeshift <race> or do shapeshift
                    do shapeshift beast
    Examples    :   do shapeshift mist
                    do shapeshift minotaur
    While changing form, the creature's combat and awareness are 
    dramatically reduced.
    The 'shapeshift' skill allows a vampire to shift into these 
    forms: beast, bat, and mist.
    Beast form:
    Generally superior in combat.  It can neither mesmerize nor bleed.
    The most common beast form amongst the different vampire races is the
    wolf, however the following races developed a different beast form
    (but they are all equal in power):
    Centaur  - Nightmare            Nekojin      - Panther
    Ghant    - Mantis               Orc          - Boar
    Kenku    - Vulture              Skaven       - Rat
    Minotaur - Bull                 Sleen        - Lizard
    Merfolk  - Octopus              Drow         - Spider
    Bat form:
    The vampire will be more perceptive and stealthy in this form.
    It cannot mesmerize or grapple. Bat takes twice as much damage
    due to it's small size but has a chance to avoid damage partial
    or completely depending on incoming damage and shapeshift skill.
    Mist form:
    A vampire in this form is extremely hard to hurt and regenerates much 
    faster than normal however the vampire cannot attack at all, though 
    it may be attacked (for generally minimal effects).  