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  • help > skills > salve
    Skill        :   Salve
    Class        :   Herbalist       
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   2 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 2
    Syntax       :   do salve <herbal medicant> [on <target>]
    Examples     :   do salve gordep
                 :   do salve arguek on zartan
         Using a given herbal medicant, an Herbalist may create a pasty
    salve which can be applied on a given target's skin.  For years
    these salves have been used to provide extra protection to native
    warriors when they entered into battle.  Only one salve may be
    applied to a given target at any given time.  The effect of the
    salving is based on which medicant was used...
    All salve types grant resistance to BLEEDING by default.
    CHIRBALA: Resistance to slashing and cleaving damage.
    SRILI: Resistance to piercing and bow damage.
    GORDEP: Resistance to crushing, brawling and unarmed damage.
    ARGUEK: Resistance to fire, cold and shock damage.
    HURTOLK: Resistance to biting, clawing and stinger damage.
    See also: help skill collect