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  • help > skills > reform
    Skill        :   Reform
    Class        :   Scorpion
    Cost         :   0
    Casting time :   Instant
    Syntax       :   do reform <ability> to <number> or
                     do reform <increase|decrease> <ability>
                     do reform raise <ability> to <number>
                     do reform <save|load> <number>
                     do reform clear
                     do reform moult
    Examples     :   do reform exoskeleton to 4
                     do reform power to 3
                     do reform increase viscerate
                     do reform decrease restore
                     do reform raise power to 3
                     do reform save 3
                     do reform load 2
                     do reform moult
    Reform is used to adjust the state of the scorpion. The abilities
    can be set to a level between 1 and 6. The greater the level, the
    higher the upkeep cost. An additional upkeep cost is incurred if 
    the ability has not been raised to the level it is used at.
    Do reform raise is used to spend the aqcuired scorpion ability
    points. An ability that is raised will be cheaper in upkeep. The
    abilities can be raised to level 6 but the cost for each level is
    higher than the previous. Raising the ability does not do anything
    for the scorpion other than lowering the upkeep cost.
    Do reform save/load will save a state that can be directly
    recalled later through load. Do reform clear will clear all skill
    levels and return the scorpion to base form.
    Do reform moult will allow the scorpion to rebuild its abilities
    from scratch. However, the moulting process is taxing to the
    scorpion and he/she will be left vulnerable for a time.