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  • help > skills > quickdraw
    Skill        :   Quickdraw
    Class        :   Gunslinger
    Base Cost    :   10 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
    Syntax       :   do quickdraw <player name | all>
    Examples     :   do quickdraw zoram
                     do quickdraw all
    After years of duels, Gunslingers have become unparalleled at the quickdraw.
    This allows them to instantly fire off a shot at their target.
    If your munition pouch has elemental cartridges, this will automatically
    utilize those cartridges with each skill use.
    Masters of the shotgun will be able to unleash this skill on all targets
    in the room, albeit with less damage than other masteries.
    Masters of the rifle will deal slightly less damage as it's much more 
    difficult to quickly draw.