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  • help > skills > pungi
    Skill        :   Pungi
    Class        :   Herbalist       
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   2 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 2
    Syntax       :   do pungi <herbal poison>
    Examples     :   do pungi binbalop
                 :   do pungi fikmir
         Though skilled with herbal remedies and toxins, Herbalists are
    not known to be deft in combat.  To compensate for this, they have
    learned to employ pungi stick traps to weaken their foes before they
    even engage them.  This skill is therefore used to build such a trap
    in a natural environment (artificial terrains will not do).  When
    building the trap, the Herbalist also coats the sharpened sticks
    with a supplied herbal poison.  If successful, the next time a foe
    enters the room he or she will step on the trap.  If a stick pierces
    the foe's skin, whatever poison that was applied will enter that
    foe's bloodstream, causing the same effects as if hit with a weapon
    poisoned by the apply skill (see 'help skill apply').  Only one
    trap may be set up per room.
    See also: help skill apply, help skill collect