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  • help > skills > preach
    Skill        :   Preach
    Class        :   Aohitogusa
    Cost         :   10 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   2 rounds
    Syntax       :   do preach [player]
    Example      :   do preach
                     do preach rubal
    Preach is a good way for a preacher to travel the lands, spreading
    the word about his god.
    People already converted to the same religious belief as the 
    preacher are known to tithe some of their money to their god after
    having experienced the sermon. By doing this they will increase in
    standing with their god just as if they had tithed at their temple.
    Unbelievers might get convinced to donate gold to the preacher. The
    preacher will then tithe the gold to his own god and gain higher
    standing.  Be aware, preaching unbelievers might prove to be risky.
    A successful sermon will install peace and the people listening will
    cease their senseless hostility. 
    You do not need a license to preach players, not even unbelievers.
    If you do not wish to risk preaching unbelieving players you might 
    want to 'setenv nopk 1'. 