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  • help > skills > pounce
    Skill        :   Pounce
    Class        :   Aurumvorax       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   0 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Strength and Dexterity
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Syntax       :   do pounce [direction] at <target>        
    Examples     :   do pounce east at zap
                     do pounce at zap
    The Aurumvorax's massive, dense gold body grants it a weight
    uncommon to creatures of its size.  Using this weight and its
    expertise at hunting, the beast may pounce on a target and pin it
    to the ground.  Pouncing from a room away will result in an overall
    greater rate of success.  Pounced opponents find it slightly harder
    to do combat damage.  To hold the victim in place, the beast locks
    its jaws onto its target, causing gnarling damage each round
    he or she is pinned thereafter.  A pinned target may not obviously
    leave without a struggle.  The Aurumvorax receives no normal combat
    hits while pinning a target, but may grate that vulnerable target.
    Moving or changing position to upright will free a pinned target.
    Pouncing from the prowling position has a greater rate of
    success, as does pouncing into a room the beast controls (via
    instinct).  The beast's weight is also a factor in the skill's
    See also: help skills grate, help skills instinct,
              help skills position