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  • help > skills > poison
    Skill        :   Poison
    Class        :   Ninja
    Cost         :   20 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do poison [<weapon>, <blade>]
    Examples     :   do poison
                 :   do poison blade
                 :   do poison weapon
                 :   do poison sword
                 :   do poison dagger
    Using your ninja knowledge, you can prepare your blade
    with poison. You have to wield a weapon with an edge,
    such as a dagger or a sword. 
    Unused poison will evaporate after awhile, so you should
    apply it right before you go into combat.
    The poison will deal damage for a several seconds before the
    body will overcome the effects.
    The poison does not stack but when the game is at peace can
    be applied a limited number of times per skill activation and evaporates
    after a time if not applied.
    When at war your weapon can only apply poison once per activation
    of the skill.
    The poison is twice as deadly under an assassination thus number
    of uses during peace time decreases twice as quickly.
    Ninjas will not start to train this skill until they reach
    level 14.