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  • help > skills > materialize
    Skill            :   Materialize
    Class            :   Demon
    Cost             :   20 to materialize; 0 to dematerialize
    Skill Type       :   Active
    Casting Time     :   2 to materialize, 0 to dematerialize
    Difficulty       :   Ability -- always succeeds
    Stats Base       :   None
    Syntax           :   do materialize [form]
                     :   do materialize (to dematerialize)
    This skill allows a demon to change from its normal ethereal form into a
    physical manifestation. You CAN swap between forms without becoming
    immaterial first.
    Forms are as follows:
    IMMATERIAL (default): You are insubstantial and highly resistant to
    most attacks, but you cannot attack physically, though you may still
    cast a few spells.  Attacks based on Vorpal, Warp and Holy damage will
    still affect you as normal.  Psychic, Chaos, Sound, Drain, and Magic
    damage are only 75% effective against you.  Light and Shock based
    attacks are 60% effective.  All other attack types are only half
    as effective while a demon is immaterial.
    DEMON: A demon's primary combat form. A terrible sight for denizens
    of Tsunami to behold this form gets a larger bonus to intimidate than
    its human form. Additionally, in its true demonic form it can fully
    realize its connection to its plane of existence granting a bonus to
    intelligence as well as ignite and hellfire. 
    HUMAN: You have normal spellcasting and combat abilities. The nature of
    a humanistic demon is unsettling and so this form gains a bonus to