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  • help > skills > locate
    Skill       :   Locate
    Skill Type  :   Active
    Cost        :   20 sp
    Stats Base  :   Intelligence
    Classes     :   Natives
    Syntax      :   do locate <player> 
    Examples    :   do locate
                    do locate pelostar
    Natives being hyper-sensitive to magic can locate foul magic
    users throughout the reality.  Through many years of training,
    the native can determine the number of swine, their names, and
    locations throughout the realms.  However, if a magic user
    is stronger than the native's ability to locate then he may not
    be detected.  Also, the native sometimes can not determine
    who the magic wielder is, just where the source of evil is 
    emanating from.  If a native tries to focus on a particular
    person he will either come up with naught, or they will see through
    their eyes for a brief moment.