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  • help > skills > iron limbs
    Skill        :  Iron Limbs
    Class        :  Monk
    Cost         :  20 + 1 per hb
    Casting Time :  1
    Stats Base   :  none (ability)
    Syntax       :  do iron limbs
    Example      :  do iron limbs
                    do iron limbs end
    A trained monk possesses the ability to harden their limbs
    as if they were iron.  A monk with iron limbs can block 
    an attack.  A monk may turn their limbs back to normal 
    using <do iron limbs end>.
    A monk may not use iron limbs and flowing wind together.
    Note: The chance of blocking is solely based on the monks
    level in the block tactic.
    Sell also: help monk practice, help monkskills