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  • help > skills > instinct
    Skill        :   Instinct
    Class        :   Aurumvorax
    Cost         :   10 / 0 (non-adjustable)       
    Skill Type   :   Active / Passive
    Casting time :   1 round / 0 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 1 / Level 0
    Syntax       :   do instinct    
    Examples     :   do instinct (defaults to mark)
                 :   do instinct mark
                 :   do instinct sense
                 :   do instinct abandon
    Aurumvorae, through their animalistic nature, are known
    for their cunning primal instinct.  This shrewdness seems more
    like luck to the civilized world, as the Aurumvorae sometimes
    "accidentally" escape great misfortune through seemingly random 
    actions and maneuvers.  These actions could be as small as the 
    beast moving a few inches to the left of a certain location.
    The instinct skill functions in the following ways...
    Passively, the instinct skill grants the Aurumvorax the 
    - Increased general armor class
    - A small chance to randomly avoid or reduce incoming dangers
    "do instinct mark"
    The beast urinates all over the current room it occupies
    to claim it as its territory.  It costs 10 spell points
    to perform this function.  Certain terrain types are
    not claimable by the Aurumvorax.  It results in:
    - Increased effectiveness of the beast's passive instinct
      (the type mentioned above) while in that room
    - A chance to 'feel' intruders trespassing on the beast's
    - If another Aurumvorax already marked the room, there is
      a chance the new marking will usurp the old
    - When pouncing into that room, the pounce will in general
      be more effective
    "do instinct sense"
    This may only be used in a room that the beast has marked.
    This function costs nothing and occurs instantaneously.
    It does the following:
    - Has a chance to alert the beast of hidden beings within
      the room
    - Gives the beast an idea for what beings have passed through
      and how long ago they did so
    "do instinct abandon"
    This may only be used in a room that the beast has marked.
    It does one thing, and that is to release the room from the
    beast's control.  This is necessary as an Aurumvorax may only
    control a certain amount of territory based on its level.
    See also: help skills pounce