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  • help > skills > inscribe
    Skill           :     Inscribe
    Class           :     Enchanters
    Cost            :     20 (plus mods)
    Component       :     Attacking         snowlilly
                          Damage            mistletoe   
                          Defense           peat
                          Heal              toadstools
                          Strength          frost fire
                          Dexterity         mandrake
                          Intelligence      brown mold 
                          Constitution      cobweb
                          All Inscriptions require:
                          nightshade, poppy, crystal, foxglove
    Casting Time    :     1
    Stat Base       :     Magic
    Syntax          :     do inscribe <symbol> <item>
                    :     do inscribe <symbol> on <who> <item>
    Example         :     do inscribe defense armour
                    :     do inscribe defense on etienne armour
                    :     do inscribe +20 strength sword
    An Enchanter may inscribe mystic runes upon weaponry and
    armour to aid him in his battles.  An item may bear two
    such inscriptions, a skill augmentation, and a stat
    augmentation.  Each inscription must be made permanent
    individually.  [In game terms repeat cast permanence until
    all inscriptions are made permanent]
    The optional arguments 'on <who> <item>' lets you inscribe 
    something in another players inventory.
    The "heal" inscription enables "do quickheal" as well.