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  • help > skills > inhale
    Skill        :   Inhale
    Class        :   Herbalist       
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   2 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Intelligence, Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 2
    Syntax       :   do inhale <herbal medicant>
                 :   do inhale blow <herbal medicant> at <target>
    Examples     :   do inhale chirbala
                 :   do inhale hurtolk
                 :   do inhale blow gordep at nad
          Natives have long been known to occasionally smoke herbs to
    induce various effects on their minds and bodies.  Using a crafted
    pipe, an Herbalist may therefore load it with a given herb, light
    it, and inhale the smoke.  This will have an effect based on which
    herbal medicant was inhaled...
    CHIRBALA: Increased cellular metabolism (+ rest).
    SRILI: Increased cellular density (+ toughness).
    GORDEP: Faster neural transmissions (+ combat).
    ARGUEK: Heightened sensory perception (+ awareness).
    HURTOLK: Increased cellular stability (+ resistance).
         Using the "blow <medicant> at <target>" syntax allows the
    Herbalist to empower others with the effects of the smoke.  In doing
    so, however, some of the smoke is lost, and thus the effect is not
    as strong.
         Only one herbal medicant may be present in the Herbalist's
    (or target's) system at any given time in this way.
    See also: help skill collect, help skill craft