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  • help > skills > ingest
    Skill        :    Ingest
    Skill type   :    Active
    Casting Time :    1 Round
    Cooldown     :    3 Rounds
    Difficultly  :    Level 1 (modified by power of item being ingested)
    Stats base   :    Strength and Constitution
    Cost         :    10 sp
    Syntax       :    do ingest [all] [what]
    With ingest, an ooze can wrap itself around an item in its inventory
    and begin to secrete digestive acids that will essentially allow it
    to 'eat' the item, healing itself in the process of doing so.
    Syntax: do ingest [optional item].  With no argument, seeks the
    first ingestible item in your inventory; with an argument, seeks
    the first ingestible item matching the item description given.
    An item can be ingested if it has value, can be dropped, is not
    worn or wielded, and is not marked.  The amount of healing from
    ingesting an item is limited by skill, or to about 1/10 the value
    of the item being ingested, whichever is less; if you choose
    to ingest 'all' items, it will continue ingesting multiple items
    until the maximum healing is achieved.
    During wartime, ingest heals only hit points.  On the mud, it will
    heal both hit points and spell points.