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  • help > skills > infiltrate
    Skill        :   Infiltrate
    Class        :   Spy
    Stats Base   :   none (ability)
    Cost         :   0
    Casting Time :   20
    Syntax       :   do infiltrate [<area>|list|owned|bonus|check|clear <area>]
    The 'infiltrate' skill will allow a Spy to capture a realm / territory
    for themselves and build their power base.  The spy will only be able
    to capture an area if they have explored 100% of the rooms in the area
    and the maximum number of areas they can capture will be equal to the level
    of the spy.
    If a Spy attempts to infiltrate an area that has already been captured by
    another Spy and that Spy is currently online - infiltrate will be an
    aggressive action against them.
    Depending on the size / difficulty of the areas captured the bonus to the Spy 
    will differ, this could be a small bonus to skills / stats or something unique.
    Using 'do infiltrate list' will show all areas of Tsunami and which areas
    have been captured by others as well as how much each area is worth in terms
    of total territory and what bonus each area has ('do infiltrate owned' will filter
    for only your own areas).  'do infiltrate bonus' will show the bonus that you have 
    accumulated from the areas you have infiltrated.
    'do infiltrate check' will show you the owner / bonuses for the area you are
    currently in.
    You can also 'do infiltrate clear <area>' to remove a territory if it is no
    longer desired.  <area> must be spelled exactly as shown in 'explored'.