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  • help > skills > holdup
    Skill        :  Holdup
    Skill type   :  Active
    Stat base    :  Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence
    Syntax       :  do holdup [friendly] target
    Examples     :  do holdup bob
                    do holdup friendly marian
    The holdup skill allows you to hold someone immobilized at knifepoint while
    you loot them.  The person will likely be too intimidated to move or attack,
    and if they do move, you will instantly strike them.  Aside from that, you
    may release them by moving or using another skill, or by attacking them
    (in which case you will strike them with your held action).  You cannot
    use skills other than rob while holding someone at knifepoint.
    If you choose to do a 'friendly' holdup the effects are the same, _except_
    that once the victim breaks free you do not strike them -- it is only for