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  • help > skills > hoden
    Skill           :   Hoden
    Class           :   Shikaku
    Skill Type      :   Active (Empowered skill)
    Cost            :   25 sp
    Stats           :   Dex and Str
    Minimum charge  :   1                    
    Casting Time    :   Instant
    Syntax          :   do hoden [fire|shock|cold] <target>
    Example         :   do hoden cold mae
                        do hoden shock
    Hoden although similar to Kenbatso in effect is the
    exact opposite. As Kenbatso takes in energy hoden releases
    it. The hoden skill will release all your charges into
    your target.
    In order to use this skill she must be wielding a weapon,
    and to get the full effect, special weapons might be needed.
    Hoden can produce the following effects:
      - Fire : channels and transforms the energy in combat
               into heat that are then transferred to her blades
               to burn her foes.
      - Shock: she uses the kinetic energy dissipated in combat
               to charge her weapons with electric energy which
               she discharges on her enemies.
      - Cold : use the same principle of the fire strike but 
               instead of transforming the energy into heat, 
               the shikaku transforms it into cold.
    This skill uses all charges on the shikaku's energy bar.