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  • help > skills > heart
    Skill        :   Heart
    Class        :   Beastmaster       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   1
    Cooldown     :   20 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   do heart    
    Examples     :   do heart
                     do heart (to cancel)
    	Animals are known to take defiant stances against all odds
    when engaged in combat.  While bonded, the Beastmaster may "dig in"
    to the area and stand his ground.  He will fight with greater skill
    while doing so, but will find himself unable to move.  Should he
    suffer a killing blow, there is a significant chance that his
    animal mind will refuse to let him die.
    See also: help skill bond