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help > skills > gravemist
Skill        :   Gravemist
Class        :   Dracolich
Cost         :   25 sps plus modifier
Casting Time :   1 Round
Difficulty   :   Level 1
Stats Base   :   Strength, Intelligence
Syntax       :   do gravemist [mod] [all] [<target>]
                 do gravemist [mod] foes
                 do gravemist [mod] enemy
Examples     :   do gravemist
                 do gravemist +10
                 do gravemist all
                 do gravemist -5 all kyldiss assassins
                 do gravemist foes
                 do gravemist +50 enemy

Dracoliches retain an undead version of their once feared breath
weapon.  Now, they exhale the dark essence of unlife from their
skeletal jaws.  This weapon is not as physically strong as their 
breath weapon once was in life, but it is more effective at 
attacking the soul.