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  • help > skills > grapple
    Skill        :   Grapple
    Class        :   Vampire
    Cost         :   10 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity
    Cooldown     :   5 seconds
    Duration     :   ~3-8 seconds depending on power
    Syntax       :   do grapple <target>
    Examples     :   do grapple chaitan
    Grapple allows the user to clutch and hold on to a target making
    it difficult to move.  It also allows the use of bleed while in
    Grapple can not be used against an opponent who is in some way
    immune to effects like Strangle, Constrict, Hold or Grapple.
    If the target has attempted no action in a round, he/she/it can
    attempt to break out of the grapple through a strength contest by
    simply trying to move out of the room.  Failure to do so means no
    further actions can be performed until the next round.