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  • help > skills > gormandize
    Skill        :   Gormandize
    Class        :   Babau
    Cost         :   0 (free)
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Strength and Constitution
    Syntax       :   do gormandize
    Lacking any form of healing the Babau relies on his might to crush
    his enemies and devour their corpses.  While he could simply eat
    or (gods forbid) bury corpses some Babaus will choose to gormandize
    it.  This act causes the Babau to tear through the corpse, gaining
    healing from it over time and steadily destroying the corpse.
    The higher the skill level, the faster the Babau heals and the
    greater the healing amounts are.
    This act is all consuming for the Babau.  He can perform no other
    action and his 'awareness' of his surroundings are extremely
    impaired as the beast completely gives himself to the gruesome
    act.  The awareness penalty is greater the more skilled the Babau
    is at this feasting.  Additionally, the act requires darkness and any 
    light introduced will cause the beast to stop gormandizing.
    Higher level corpses will provide higher replenishment benefits.
    The Babau is able to transport a corpse around and finish devouring
    it as safety and seclusion permits.
    Forgoing gormandizing a corpse, a Babau can simply 'eat' it as any
    other beast would but receives minimal gains from it.  A Babau that
    is in touch with the Lords may choose to 'bury' a corpse instead and
    will receive a blessing based on the level of the corpse.  The Blood
    Lords however only value corpses that represent challenging kills
    to their warriors and will turn a deaf ear on lowly corpses.  They
    will also only grant this bonus if a short while has passed between