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  • help > skills > gnash
    Skill        :   Gnash
    Class        :   Druid
    Base Cost    :   35 energy || Generates 1 Combo Point
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1
    Stats Base   :   100% Dex
    Damage Type  :   Slash
    Syntax       :   do gnash <target>
    Examples     :   do gnash zoram
                     do gnash all
    The "Gnash" skill embodies the primal fury and swift agility of the wild
    cats that Druids revere and emulate. Drawing inspiration from the sleek and 
    deadly movements of these predators, Druids channel their energy into a 
    furious strike that rends their enemies with sharp, precise cuts. The skill 
    not only inflicts immediate damage but also causes the target to bleed 
    profusely, amplifying the pain and suffering over time.
    When Druids execute the "Gnash" skill, they unleash a flurry of attacks that 
    strike all foes in their vicinity. Each additional target beyond the first 
    reduces the damage dealt by 25%, representing the distribution of the 
    Druid's ferocious energy across multiple enemies. This ability is especially 
    effective in crowd control, allowing Druids to maintain pressure on numerous 
    opponents simultaneously.