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  • help > skills > gaze
    Skill        :   Gaze
    Class        :   Medusa
    Cost         :   20 sp for stoning, 10 sp to activate, 2 / round upkeep
    Skill Type   :   Active/Passive
    Casting Time :   1 Rounds
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity and Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do gaze [ target | toggle ]
    Examples     :   do gaze  
                 :   do gaze kindar
                 :   do gaze toggle
         The deadly gaze of the Medusa is one of the most powerful
    weapons at their disposal.  With one glance, a Medusa can freeze
    an enemy in their tracks, or turn parts of them to stone.
         Gaze has two modes, active and passive.  In active mode,
    gazing at a target can turn the target into a statue, this does
    not injure the opponent, but will freeze them in place for a short
    period of time.  In passive mode, while fighting an opponent there
    is a chance that they will meet your deadly gaze, bits of them
    turning to stone.  However, maintaining the powerful gaze in this
    passive mode is somewhat draining on the magical reserves of the
    Medusa.  Typing 'do gaze toggle' will turn gaze off if currently on,
    and on if currently off.
         One may also suppress the message displayed when this skill
    activates by setting the environment "medusa_gaze" to any value.
    See also: help setenv