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  • help > skills > flowing wind
    Skill        :  Flowing Wind
    Class        :  Monk
    Cost         :  20 + 3 per hb
    Casting Time :  1
    Stats Base   :  none (ability)
    Syntax       :  do flowing wind
    Example      :  do flowing wind
                    do flowing wind end
    A trained monk possesses the ability to move with the wind.
    When a monk is flowing in the wind they appear to fade in
    and out of the wind. The monk can completely dodge an attack
    if they are struck while flowing into the wind. The monk can
    step out of the wind using <do flowing wind end>.
    A monk may not use flowing wind and iron limbs together.
    Note: The chance of dodging is solely based on the monks
    level in the dodge tactic.
    See also: help monk practice, help monkskills