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  • help > skills > feral pounce
    Skill        :   Feral Pounce
    Class        :   Druid
    Base Cost    :   35 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active, Opener
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   100% Dexterity
    Damage Type  :   Claw
    Syntax       :   do feral pounce <target>
    Example      :   do feral pounce zoram
    Feral Pounce is a deadly opener for Druids, designed to strike from the shadows. 
    This skill allows the Druid to leap at an unsuspecting target, delivering
    a powerful and precise attack that causes significant damage. The Druid must be
    in stealth mode to use this skill, and it cannot be used while already engaged
    in combat.
    Once the pounce is executed, the Druid breaks stealth, dealing 30% of their 
    skill level as damage. In addition, Feral Pounce awards 1 combo point, which can
    be used to empower subsequent finishing moves.