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  • help > skills > enlist
    Skill    :  Enlist
    Class    :  Warlord
    Stats    :  Intelligence
    Cost     :  20 sp plus cash
    Syntax   :  do enlist <target>
    Examples :  do enlist merc (to easily enlist a merc w/ added fees)
                do enlist dismiss all (to dismiss your army)
                do enlist dismiss mercenary 4
                do enlist consider warrior 2
    Max Enlistment Level: Your Pre-Hero Level - (Your Pre-Hero Level / 5) [Round Down]
                            + (Hero-Level-1)
    Example Enlistment: 19+10 Hero = (19 - 3) + (10 - 1) == 16 - 9 == 25 
    The warlord can enlist mercenaries to his or her army with this skill.
    There is a gold cost as well as a sp cost for this skill as all 
    mercenaries like to be paid for their services. the warlord cannot
    recruit fighters anywhere near as big as they are as no fighter
    would follow someone the same size for a small cut of the profits.
    A warlord can enlist most creatures who could otherwise be charmed or compelled
    to serve.
    Getting recruits killed or attacking recruits is not a good idea as 
    the warlord may then find it harder to recruit other people.
    The only way recruits may be controlled is via the tactics skill,
    these recruits are hirelings. They fight for the warlord but are in
    no way are they slaves to do with as he/she sees fit.
    A Warlord may use the dismiss option, eg do enlist dismiss, to dismiss
    all current recruits.
    Using the 'consider' option a warlord can sizeup the potential enlistee
    and discuss with them how much they are willing to enlist in the
    Warlord's army for.
    Your skill is rolled at recruitment.
    Your skill level will INCREASE the duration of negotiated contracts.
    Your skill level will DECREASE the cost of mercenary contracts.
    There is no cash cost in wars, you can also do enlist war which will
    summon a standard mercenary to fight for you.
    MERCENARIES (Merc Option)
    A Warlord can optionally recruit experienced mercenaries using the
    "merc" option (do enlist merc). This will create a mercenary for
    you within an appropriate level range.
    However, Mercenaries recruited this way are significantly more expensive.
    ANY WARLORD can now enlist:
    - Every available class (No Warlords && Prestige Classes)
    - Any Npc of the same race as the warlord
    - Any soldiers
    See also: help skill command, help skill tactics