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  • help > skills > electrify
    Skill        :   Electrify 
    Class        :   Shen-Lung
    Cost         :   30 sp (No modifiers)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 Round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Some Str & Int, Mostly Dex
    Syntax       :   do electrify
    HP line      :   (electrified) when active
                     (static) when low
    This is the ability of blue dragons to build up a static charge in 
    their bodies.  Once done, they spark and crackle with excessive 
    electrical energy. Anyone trying to hit them in this state will find 
    themselves receiving a nasty shock as the dragon attempts to dissipate 
    the excessive energy.
    You can "setenv electrify_dam 1" to see how much damage this skill contributes
    each round.