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  • help > skills > electric storm
    Skill        :   Electric Storm
    Class        :   Shen-lung
    Cost         :   20 sp (No modifiers)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   2 Round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Some Dexterity, some Constitution
    Syntax       :   do electric storm
                 :   do electric storm <end|cancel|dispel>
    By further enhancing the static charge in their bodies, Shen-lung
    can devastate everything around them.  An electrical charge builds
    up and is released when they are damaged.  Powerful bolts of
    electricity will damage every living object in the vicinity.
    Electric storm can only be used after Shen-lung has activated
    the skill Electrify.
    Electric storm will also end when electrify ends or when enough
    electricity has been released.
    You can use "setenv electric_storm_dam 1" to seee how much damage in
    total your electric storm does to your enemies each round.
    See also: help skill electrify