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  • help > skills > dragon punch
    Skill        :  Dragon Punch
    Class        :  Monk
    Cost         :  20
    Casting Time :  1
    Stats Base   :  dex only
    Syntax       :  do dragon punch
    Example      :  do dragon punch
                    do dragon punch sturnn
    Through training, the monk can unleash a vicious string
    of punches.  As the dragon punch is the least strenuous of the
    physical combat maneuvers a shaolin can execute, there is no need
    to rest between strikes.
    Like all fighting skills for the monk, the effectiveness
    of the punch is based on a combination of skill level in
    dragon punch and the practice and training a monk has 
    completed using the punch tactic in their unarmed combat.
    See also: help monk practice, help monk stick, help monkskills