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  • help > skills > divine smite
    Prayer       :   Divine Smite
    Class        :   Paladin
    Cost         :   20
    Skill Time   :   2 rounds
                     1 round with Oath of the Templar 2 
    Cooldown     :   5 rounds
                     3 rounds with Oath of the Templar 1
    Stats        :   Mostly Str/Some Int
    Syntax       :   do divine smite
                     do divine smite <TARGET>
    A Paladin calls out to the divine powers enchanting their next strike with
    holy power.
    This skill does increased damage versus what the order of the paladins have
    established as evil. See "help order champion".
    This skill grants holy power and does not grant judgement.
    The cooldown of this skill is reduced to 3 rounds with Oath of the Templar 1.
    This skill may be executed in 1 round with Oath of the Templar 2.
    At Oath of the Templar 3 this skill has a chance to fill the Paladin with 
    holy power making their next exorcism or lay hands instant cast and at full holy