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  • help > skills > decapitate
    Skill        :   Decapitate
    Class        :   Vampire
    Cost         :   20 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   Instant
    Stats Base   :   Strength
    Syntax       :   do decapitate <target>
    Examples     :   do decapitate qwert
    Decapitate is as its name suggests a skill to rip off the head
    of your opponent.  It is however not as easy as it sounds.  As it
    has a few requirements.
    First, you can only do it against a damaged opponent. The more
    damage the higher your chances are at succeeding.
    Second, you can not decapitate someone who is more than one size
    category larger than you.
    Third, decapitate might not work so well against some non-humanoid
    creatures. Effect varies greatly against those.