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  • help > skills > consume
    Skill        :     Consume
    Class        :     Aurumvorax
    Cost         :     0
    Skill Type   :     Active
    Casting time :     0
    Syntax       :     do consume [self, coins, gold] [amount] [store]
    Examples     :     do consume
                 :     do consume 150      (defaults to 'self')
                 :     do consume self     (consume coins carried)
                 :     do consume coins 99 (consume coins on ground)
                 :     do consume gold     (consume gold vein)
                 :     do consume 80 store (consume, but store gold)
    In order to consume gold, an Aurumvorax utilizes this
    skill.  With its dense, powerful jaws and teeth, the beast mashes
    any gold to a physical state which its stomach is able to digest.
    This will heal the Aurumvorax and contribute to its growth.  If a
    gold vein (gold option) is digested, it works to strengthen your 
    current vein bonus.  This bonus is based on in what type of
    climate the creature most often consumes gold veins.  Consuming
    gold veins does NOT heal spell points.  Just typing 'do
    consume' will default to self-consumption (you may supply an
    amount to consume as well).  Leaving the amount blank will result
    in the consumption of a random amount of the target.
    If "store" is included as the last parameter to the skill, the
    gold will be attempted to be stored rather than immediately used.
    Growth benefits are still immediately gained (that is, the gold
    amount is added to the beast's total amount consumed if
    possible), but healing is delayed.  Instead, when the Aurumvorax
    is wounded, it will draw on its stored reserves to heal.  By
    allowing the gold to take time to process, greater amounts of
    healing will generally occur.  Furthermore, gold veins WILL heal
    spell points and will still grant possible vein bonuses when
    stored.  Unfortunately, dying or quitting will empty any stored
    reserves the beast is stomaching.
    When the beast consumes more gold than is necessary towards the
    achievement of its next growth stage, it is added to 'extra 
    amount consumed.'  This factors in along with 'total amount
    consumed' towards a bonus to the pounce and collide skills
    (both which logically rely on the weight of the beast).
    This ability may ONLY be used to consume GOLD VEINS during WARS.
    See also: help aurumgrowth, help consumed, help skills collide,
              help skill pounce