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  • help > skills > constrict
    Skill        :   Constrict
    Class        :   Worm, Remorhaz, Changeling (python form)
    Cost         :   20 spell points (0 to release)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 Round 
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Strength
    Syntax       :   do constrict [<target>]
                     do constrict end (to release a victim)
    Examples     :   do constrict 
                     do constrict joe
    The constrict skill allows you to wrap yourself around a victim and attempt
    to crush the life out of them; it also has the effect of reducing their
    ability to fight and cast spells, and preventing them from moving until they
    can break free of your grip.