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  • help > skills > companion
    Skill        :     Companion
    Class        :     Beastmaster
    Cost         :     20
    Skill Type   :     Active
    Casting time :     4
    Syntax       :     do companion [<animal>]
    Examples     :     do companion
                 :     do companion fox
    	A Beastmaster is rarely encountered without some sort of
    animal aiding in his efforts.  Thus, using this skill, an animal
    companion can be called to the native's side.  This creature
    behaves like a familiar and is controlled like one too.  There
    are important differences to note, however:
    - the type of animal that can be called depends on the terrain
    - the called animal is WILD, thus, it will attack if provoked
    - in general, it is a much better fighter than a familiar
    - each animal type has a special skill with which to assist
      the Beastmaster
    - the companion may not be told to 'scram' unless it is
      completely healthy (mind and body), and the Beastmaster is
      standing in natural, non-water surroundings
    - if the companion dies, it will shatter the Beastmaster's
            Reading "help companions" will elicit the specific
    details of each companion type.
    NOTE: This skill has NOTHING to do with the "bond" skill.
    See also: help companions, help spell familiar