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  • help > skills > chiankyo
    Skill           :   Chiankyo
    Class           :   Shikaku
    Skill Type      :   Active (Empowered skill)
    Cost            :   40 + 5 sp per power level
    Stat            :   Dex and Con
    Minimum charge  :   1
    Casting Time    :   Instant
    Syntax          :   do chiankyo <power level>
    Example         :   do chiankyo 4
                        do chiankyo available
    When the shikaku activates this skill she shrouds herself
    in a supernatural aura that has the ability to absorb
    the vital energy her enemies loose in combat and transfer
    part of it to the shikaku.
    Chiankyo heals the shikaku when she is in combat and
    the amount healed depends on the damage she does during 
    the combat rounds this skill is active. 
    This skill does not damage her targets in any way.
    The more charges you spend, the longer the effect will
    last. It has no impact on the amount healed since it
    is only based on the amount of damage the shikaku does 
    to her enemies. This skill will not heal you if you do 
    not enter combat.
    To activate this skill the shikaku must have at least
    one charge on her energy bar.
    If the <available> argument is given, the shikaku will
    spend all her charges on this empowered skill.